Dental Benefits – did you know they expire on December 31st every year if you don’t use them? Have you used yours up yet for 2020? If not, there’s still time – but you need to hurry… don’t leave your money on someone else’s table!
2020. What a year it’s been. So many high hopes and expectations when the year started, dashed in an instant with the shutdown of the world’s economy in March. Yes, COVID-19 has packed a wallop the world over – and it’s not done with us yet. Second waves are beginning to affect many areas (which was entirely expected). But we are better prepared now after enduring the first wave; we know what (and what not) to do, to stay as safe as possible. If we all continue to be vigilant and do our part, we may well be able to avoid another complete lockdown of the economy. But…
Nothing Is Guaranteed, Especially In The Middle Of A Pandemic
Many of us don’t know what the coming weeks and months may hold for us financially. Some businesses are hurting while others are experiencing a banner year unlike any other. However, as uncertain and unpredictable as this year has been so far in almost every way imaginable, you do have control over one thing: your oral health.
We’ve always known how important it is to keep our teeth and gums healthy. But research in recent years has now undeniably confirmed the significant impact that our oral health — whether good or bad — has on our overall state of health and well-being.
You’ve no doubt heard by now, for example, that there is a strong correlation between gum disease and heart disease. But did you also know that it’s a two-way street — that likewise, certain diseases like diabetes increase your risk of gum disease and other oral health issues?
It’s a symbiotic relationship, between our mouths and the rest of our bodies… one that we need to nurture and protect fiercely – especially right now, when the health of our entire world is in jeopardy.
So — what on earth does all this have to do with dental benefits?
I’m glad you asked!
It Really Is True: Use ‘Em Or Lose ‘Em
It’s a phrase that we use often in many different contexts: use it or lose it.
Your muscles? Use them or lose them.
Your brain? Use it or lose it.
Your dental benefits? USE THEM OR LOSE THEM!
It’s absolutely true in this context too. You may think that by NOT using your dental benefits each year, you can stockpile all that unclaimed cash with your insurance provider so that when a really big dental procedure is needed for someone in your family, you’ll have a windfall at your disposal to pay for it. Not so! Whatever you don’t use up by December 31st each year simply expires. Vanishes into thin air, never to be seen again.
Actually, scratch that – never to be seen by you again. Somebody is indeed cashing in from your unused dental benefits, but it sure isn’t you. That money, earmarked throughout the year by your insurance provider specifically for your family’s dental plan – which you have faithfully paid into throughout the year – if not used for dental work, goes right back into the pockets of the insurance company come January 1st.
Yep, insurance companies love it when you don’t use up your benefits, because they can then keep all that unclaimed cash for themselves. And if you knew how many people keep paying and paying into their plan all year in order to have those benefits, and then simply let them expire on December 31st without using them up? It would shock you. In fact, it happens so often that insurance companies count on it.
So, what can you do to keep your hard-earned money working for you — and not for your insurance provider? Use the benefits you have – NOW! There’s no excuse not to take advantage of them!
Has it been a challenging year? Absolutely.
Was your dental office closed for a few months? Absolutely.
Are you now behind on your checkups and cleanings? Probably.
Is there still a way to catch up before your benefits expire? Absolutely!
What Do I Do Now?
Simple. Contact us ASAP and we will help make sure you don’t lose out on what you are entitled to, as we head into the final few weeks of 2020.
Whether you just need a good cleaning to get you back on track, or you’ve been putting off a more intensive procedure that you know you might need, book an appointment right away so together we can come up with a plan for your treatment before the end of the year.
Because now, more than ever before, it’s vitally important to stay on top of our oral health. We need to keep our immune systems humming at peak capacity to stay ahead of this next curveball that COVID has thrown at us. And we now have irrefutable evidence that optimizing our oral health is a crucial piece of that immunity puzzle.
Not to mention the potential uncertainty of our economic situation as we settle in to ride this next wave through the coming months. We all need to be good money managers of our family finances right now, and using up the dental benefits we are entitled to is one of the best ways to manage those finances responsibly.
It’s not too late! Call Li Family Dental at (416) 232-2033 today – we can help!